Urinary Incontinence – Benefits, Price & Review Guide

urinary incontinence

What is Urinary Incontinence?

Urinary Incontinence – the inability to contain one’s bladder can be an embarrassing situation. However, it is a natural occurrence, and it affects more individuals you may think.

Urinary incontinence (UI) is a disorder in which urinary leakage is uncontrollable. It can cause inconvenience as well as social and hygiene issues. This syndrome is more common in women due to differences in the anatomy of the urinary organs.

The risk of contracting incontinence rises with pregnancy, childbirth and age-related muscle tone weakness. It does, however, affect both men and women, regardless of age. When the muscles of the pelvic floor weaken,

  • Small amounts of urinary leakage when coughing, shouting, sneezing, or exercising
  • Small amounts of urine leakage during the day
  • Desire to urinate often and urgently

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what is urinary incontinence pelvic floor muscle

What are the causes of Urinary Incontinence?

The causes of urinary incontinence slightly differ between men and women.  Patients suffering from bladder cancer, kidney stones, neurological abnormalities, or aging will be likely candidates.

Males Urinary Incontinence 

Prostatitis, or prostate cancer, may occur as a result of swelling of the prostate gland in men.

Female Urinary Incontinence

During conception, delivery, and most common of all, aging. Women have a higher chance of contracting incontinence due to weakening pelvic floor muscles.

Types of Urinary Incontinence

types of urinary incontinence

Incontinence is categorised into 4 types:

Stress urinary incontinence

Involuntary urinary discharge happens as a result of pressure exerted on the bladder or within the abdomen. Urine leakage will occur when you are coughing, smiling, or sneezing.

This is when the muscles and connective tissues that regulate the flow of urine deteriorate. Pregnancy, natural childbirth, congenital causes, the uterus, prolapse, and obesity are all common causes of stress incontinence.

Urge urinary incontinence

Urge incontinence happens when an unintentional urinary discharge occurs prior to the person locating or reaching a toilet. Hyperactive bladder muscles, which continuously produce impulses to transfer urine even though there isn’t much of it, may be the cause of this.

Frequently associated with excessive urination and waking up several times during the night to expel urine, it is also known as “overactive bladder syndrome.”

Overflow urinary incontinence 

Compared to urge incontinence, overflow incontinence is caused by inactive bladder muscles or a blockage of the urine pipe.

This leads to insufficient bladder emptying, resulting in dribbling or “overflow” urinary bleeding between toilet visits.

Functional urinary incontinence

Functional incontinence happens when there is an accidental urinary discharge as a result of a physical disability rather than a bladder issue.

Dementia and extreme arthritis are two common causes of functional incontinence.

Urinary Incontinence Causes

The causes of UI can range from lifestyle choices, childbirth and aging. The most common causes of UI are childbirth and aging. The chances occur twice as likely in women than in men.

Causes Description
 Childbirth stretch and weaken the pelvic floor muscles
Age urinary tract muscles and tissues begin to deteriorate
Menopause female genital tract’s muscles and tissues begin to deteriorate
Obesity Excessive fats cause stress to muscles
Medication drugs that may induce or contribute to incontinence
Caffeine, nicotine may cause irritation to bladder

What are the symptoms of Urinary Incontinence?

The following are some of the most common signs of incontinence:

  • Urinations on a frequent basis
  • When urinating, the stream is weak.
  • Urinating every night
  • Difficulty urinating
  • Sensation of insufficient urinary emptying
  • Depending on the severity of the infection, incontinence can result in complete loss of bladder control
  • Involuntary urine leakage


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Urinary Incontinence Treatment

Treatments for urinary incontinence depends on the kind of incontinence and can get generally treatment with 3 options: surgical, non surgical and pelvic floor exercises.

urinary incontinence surgical options

Surgical Options

Surgical treatments include: sling procedures, bladder neck suspension, prolapse surgery, and artificial urinary sphincter.

Most cases of urinary incontinence that require surgery may be considered serious. Surgical options should only be considered when pelvic bone exercises or magnetic muscle toner (HIFEM technology) do not improve conditions.

As for any surgery, these procedures carry risks. As such, you can consult your urologist to learn about the potential complications and benefits of the procedure.

urinary incontinence magnetic muscle stimulator

Magnetic Muscle Stimulator Technology (HIFEM) is primarily designed for muscle toning. The magnetic energy will directly induce contractions in muscle tissues, up to 50,000 muscle contractions in 30 minutes.

The treatment can be used to target muscles that are physically difficult to train, such as the pelvic core.

Electromagnetic pulses will contract pelvic bone muscles, simulating kegel exercises. Over time, it will strengthen the muscle, improving the condition of incontinence.

urinary incontinence pelvic floor exercises

Pelvic Floor Exercise

Kegel movements tend to reinforce the muscles of the pelvic floor. These muscles are responsible for the uterus, bladder, small intestines, and rectum’s help.

Begin by determining the proper pelvic floor muscles. The easiest way to do this is to attempt to avoid urinating halfway through. Your pelvic floor muscles are activated to do this.

Following identification, you should begin doing Kegel exercises. You can start by lying on the floor. Following that, begin by contracting and relaxing your pelvic muscles for three seconds each. Repeat the exercises 15 times more.

Magnetic Muscle Stimulator for Urinary Incontinence

Tesla Former (High Intensity Electro Magnetic ) is the latest and most advanced treatment to treat urinary incontinence without undergoing surgery. Traditionally, the only two options were either surgery or pelvic floor exercises.

The beauty of Tesla Former technology is it can provide up to 50,000 muscle contractions in a short 30 min session. The pelvic floor muscles can produce new muscle tissue and enhance existing muscle fibers at the same time. There is absolutely no downtime, and it takes 8 sessions to see visible results.

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By Sessions Price/Part: from
1 Session $350
10 Sessions $2500
20 Sessions $3800
40 Sessions $5800
Unlimited* Price/Part: from
1 month $2800
2 month $4200
4 month $6800
6 month $9800

*3 visits per week (suggested) | 1 treated area per visit | 30 mins per visit | Total 12 Sessions in 1 month


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