Dr Justin Goh

aesthetic doctor singapore justin goh

M.B.B.S (National University of Ireland)

Medicine MB, BCh, BAO

Dr Justin graduated from the National University of Ireland with a bachelor of Medicine (Medicine MB, BCh, BAO). He is fully accredited by the Singapore Medical Council (SMC) Aesthetic Practice Oversight Committee to perform a vast range of aesthetic procedures including, Botox, Lasers, Chemical Peels & Non surgical body contouring.

Dr Justin believes passionately in practicing aesthetic medicine to help patients address their concerns, achieve their desired goals, bring out their inner beauty, self confidence and perform personalised treatments to the best of his ability.

He cherishes each patient individually with respect and never ceases to make his patients feel warmly received, comfortable and safe. He is an avid animal lover and adrenaline junkie, he enjoys exercising outdoors, travelling and finding beauty in everyday life.


Call Us Today! +65 6333 4566 • hello@bioaesthetic.com.sg

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